
If you would like to read something that is listed here, but you do not have access to it, feel free to get in touch. I'm happy to share whatever I can.


Edited collections

Ireland: Interfaces and Dialogues, ed. Ondřej Pilný, Radvan Markus, Daniela Theinová and James Little, Irish Studies in Europe series no. 11, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier (2022).

‘Draff / Résidu’, special issue of Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui, 31.1 (2019), ed. James Little, Georgina Nugent-Folan, Emilie Morin and Mark Nixon.


‘Staging Beckettian Minds: Umwelt and Cartesian Stage Space in Beckett’s Plays’, Contemporary Theatre Review, 31.4 (2021), 438–54 (with Olga Beloborodova).
‘Decomposing the Asylum in Samuel Beckett’s Malone Dies: Genetic Criticism and the Author’, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 1.60 (2021), 65–77.
‘“Not There”: “Dark Matter” in Samuel Beckett’s Footfalls’, International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 17.3 (2021), 373–86.
‘Quare Memory in Brendan Behan’s Borstal Boy, Irish University Review, 50.2 (2020), 289–303.
‘Introduction’ to ‘Draff / Résidu’, Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui, 31.1 (2019) (with Georgina Nugent-Folan), 1–6.
‘Beckett’s “Mongrel Mime”: Politics and Poetics’, Journal of Beckett Studies, 27.2 (2018), 193–210.
‘Home, the Asylum, and the Workhouse in The Shadow of the Glen, Irish University Review,46.2 (2016), 260–74.
‘Between a Protest and Catastrophe’, Litteraria Pragensia, 25.50 (2015), 92–106.

Book chapters

'Introduction', in Ireland: Interfaces and Dialogues, ed. Ondřej Pilný, Radvan Markus, Daniela Theinová and James Little, Irish Studies in Europe series no. 11, (Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2022).

Waiting for Godot’, in Fifty Key Irish Plays, ed. Shaun Richards (Routledge, 2022), 78–81.

‘“First the Place, Then I’ll Find Me in It”: The Unnamable’s Pronouns and the Politics of Confinement’, in Beckett and Politics, ed. William Davies and Helen Bailey (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), 69–85.


Review of Samuel Beckett as World Literature, The Beckett Circle, 44.2 (2023),
Review of Navigating Ireland’s Theatre Archive, Australasian Journal of Irish Studies, 20 (2020).
‘Review of the Inaugural Conference of the Samuel Beckett Society, Phoenix, AZ, 19–20 February 2015’, in The Beckett Circle, 38.1 (2016),
‘Reframing Scenography: Performing Space Symposium Report’, Blue Pages: Journal for the Society of British Theatre Designers, 4 (2014) (with Wei Feng), 24–6.


‘The Journey of The Playboy, digital exhibition co-hosted by the Library of Trinity College Dublin and the Google Cultural Institute (with Nicholas Grene), (2017).


Interviewed as part of BBC Radio 4 documentary 'It Must Be Wonderful to Be Free', on the work of Brendan Behan,